Big Numbers
"Don't be scared by big numbers. It takes just as much effort to think small as it does to think big. Set your sales or revenue goals high and you'll be surprised at how quickly you reach them!"
We love this quote and decided to reprint our Top Ten Tips on Being an Outstanding Woman:
1. Decide what you believe in and then act on it
Do not waffle on your beliefs! Outstanding women know who they are, what they stand for, and reflect this sense of purpose in their every word and deed.
2. Consistency is Key
When you are consistent in your reliability, your quality of service and friendship, your interpersonal skills, you reassure those around you.
3. Collect Friends and Help The Friends you Collect
It's nice and perhaps impressive when you make many new friends and contacts. But it's outstanding when you truly attempt to understand and assist those people on their own paths.
4. Be Bold
Bold does not mean arrogant. Bold means that you do things with certainty and with purpose. Outstanding means going all the way PLUS a bit more.
5. Be Yourself
Outstanding is not being afraid to stand out. Be authentic to who you are show everyone your best, most unique traits.
6. Laugh and Smile
Outstanding women love their lives and love to show it.
7. Don't Act Like you are Above Others
The outstanding woman knows she has an expertise or talent, but she knows that others have theirs too.
8. See Opportunities in Everything you Do
The ordinary woman will swear in traffic jams. The outstanding woman will listen to a motivational tape or hand out her cards to other drivers. You get the point…
9. Embrace Continuous Improvement
Outstanding women always think they could become more outstanding. As in, outstanding outstanding outstanding!
10. Be Very, Very Good at What you Do
Very Good is actually not good enough. The outstanding woman will only be happy with an outstanding performance.
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