Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Robot Receptionist?

The Japanese HR firm People Staff has launched a service that could drastically trim the cost of hiring front-desk help, but it's unclear whether the device has a future in the U.S. Robot Dispatch can recognize up to 10 faces and hold 20,000 stored conversation patterns, songs and riddles.

I'm not sure I would want to be greeted by this "receptionist". Although fun, I think it would be wise to have a back up humanoid on hand.


At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will the governments and these uber-powerful mega-corporations snap out of their obsession to revolutionize the marketplace with robots? Are there not people in the world desperate to find work? Are there not families slugging it out on welfare to survive. We don't need robots to do our jobs for us, at least not those jobs that can be done (arguably better) by a living, breathing mammal. Help out your own race and offer jobs to those that need them most; don't create a new race that may own day render humans insignificant and obsolete! Ever thought about that?


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