Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Podcasts Reveal the Amazing Nature of our Speakers by Carolyn Parks

I have been starting to interview some speakers for our brand new podcasts that should go into cyberspace very shortly.
To date, I've conducted 5 interviews. I have another five lined up as well.
I am amazed by the intelligence and passion of each woman I interview. So far I've spoken to Leesa Barnes, Robin Jay, Ruth Klein, Arupa Tesolin and Marilyn Van Derbur. These women have such diverse backgrounds and stories, but each one is just amazing in what she has done. I am put to shame when I learn how fast their brains work!
There IS one thread that connects them all. Each woman truly has the drive to positively affect the world she lives in. Sure, money might be nice, but I get the distinct impression that for our crew of talented speakers, money and recognition and all other material aspects of authoring books and giving presentations are just byproducts. These women are out to change things. To make the world a better place for their clients, friends, and public. I have a lot to learn from these people and am thankful for that. They prove that the Power of One truly is infinite!
Did I say before that I love this business?!!?

Disturbing E-mail Reaffirms our Business Mission

Last week I received an e-mail (anonymous) from an individual who suggested that one of our speakers is making false claims and that we should immediately cease to represent her. As President, I was pretty concerned. Of course it is against our Code of Ethics to have a speaker misrepresent herself!
This individual initially 'laid into' the existence of women's organizations, suggesting that they run men down. The same individual also suggested that he/she would be forwarding documents to 'prove their claim' about this speaker.
I of course responded, as I should. I spent some time dealing with the first issue (i.e. women banding together and 'running men down'). I stated our reasoning on presenting a women's bureau, and stated that we do not exist to discredit men in any form; clients should choose the best speaker/expert for their function! And then I stated our policy on how we will act or not act based on e-mails of this nature.
At the end of the day, I told this individual that I would not accept any documentation as we are not legally able to authenticate such material. I did alert the relevant speaker. Her response was as I expected. And as I expected also, there is more to this story. I will not get into it here out of respect to all parties. Of course we take what we do seriously and will act on any definite information that is provided to us.
BUT - to get to the real point here - this experience reminded me of why we are here and of the seriousness of what we are offering...We are representing women's voices from all industries and sectors. Women who are not only shaping the world through what they do, but also by the challenges they face in their lives WHILE they are shaping the world.
We are fortunate to be working with many inspirational people. We are fortunate to connect these people with audiences that are hungry to be motivated and to learn.
Because of the number of powerful women we represent, e-mails like this will continue to come our way most assuredly. We will continue to act with the greatest discretion, honesty and adherence to our policies. We will protect our speakers' rights to share their inspiration with the world as long as we know it is the right thing to do.
We wouldn't be 'outstanding' if we didn't.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Episode 001 - Leesa Barnes, Podcasting Expert (Part 1)

Outstanding Women Speakers is pleased to present The X-Pert Files, a podcast profiling the best women speakers in North America and around the world.

In this inaugural episode, Carolyn Parks, President of Outstanding Women Speakers, interviews Leesa Barnes, Podcasting Expert and Internet Maverick, who talks about why podcasting is an important tool in any online marketing strategy.

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Episode Notes

00:28 Introduction of Leesa Barnes, Podcasting Expert
01:20 What is podcasting and why podcasting is growing
02:35 The podcast listening audience, who are they?
03:30 Podcasting did in 6-months what this industry couldn't do in 50-years
05:20 The expense of podcasting
06:10 Podcasting statistics cast doubt (and hope)
07:15 How audio can help you become an expert in your field
08:50 Podcasting Case Study - Carson Daley
10:00 What you really need to start podcasting
11:16 Podcasting Case Study - IBM
12:24 Podcasting Case Study - Dunlop Tires
13:06 Podcasting Case Study - Whirlpool

Episode Resources

Outstanding Women Speakers
Leesa Barnes' Speaker Profile

Episode Credits

Voice Intro by Carolyn Parks
Music by Bob Hughes Inside Decision